An educational radio contact is planned with John F Kennedy High School, Denver, CO, Multi-point telebridge via NA7V.
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS and the scheduled astronaut is Mike Hopkins KF5LJG. Contact is go for: Wed 24 Feb 2021, 18:41:13 UTC, 48 deg.; downlink signals will be audible over parts of USA on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM; contact will be in english. Check for latest information on the operation mode . RX only! (Credit: AMSAT.)
Watch for livestream
Proposed questions generated by the John F Kennedy High School students:
1. How do you find time to do personal hygiene when you are so busy doing research and experiments?
2. Does a carbonated beverage, once opened, on the ISS stay carbonated for the same amount of time as it does on earth?
3. We recently learned that each astronaut eagerly awaits a special package from earth, What is it that you look forward to most?
4. Are there any environmental sensors like weather, fire, soil, ocean that you monitor or track as part of your daily work?
5. What is the most physically demanding task you have to do in space?
6. What was going through you’re head when you first found out you were chosen for the mission to the ISS?
7. How comfortable are the new space suits. What is your favorite new feature of the space suit?
8. Do you have to monitor/ration your water while in space?
9. Have you ever had to perform a medical procedure or administer first aid to another astronaut?
10. How do you relieve stress when on the space station?
11. When you are sleeping in your bag do you feel like you are floating or do you anchor yourself down? Is this comfortable?
12. When in space, do you take special precautions regarding safety during a space walk?
13. Did your training accurately prepare you for the stresses of launch?
14. What is your preferred form of exercise on earth & is it something you can continue to do on the ISS?
15. How long did it take you to get used to the bathroom facilities and procedures on the ISS? What was the hardest part?
16. If there was one plant you could grow in the International Space Station what would it be and why?
17. Have you ever had a malfunction with your space suit? What did you do?
18. How has COVID-19 changed your space travel?
19. When will it be possible for Astronauts to be able to live off of the food that they grow in space?
20. If you could create a more comfortable sleeping quarters what is the one thing you would change?
21. How much of the water on the ISS goes to the plants?
22. What was the most important thing you learned in school that has helped you as an Astronaut?
23. Do the Astronauts eat meals and do other non-work activities together?
24. Has there ever been a time when you collected data from a sensor that helped an emergency situation on Earth?
25. How does it feel to breathe while you are wearing your pressurized suit?
26. Are there any of your favorite foods that don’t do well in microgravity and you miss eating while you are in space?