I’m 42, computer scientist hamradio F1UJT/FY4RW, member of AMSAT-F and ARISS Teams.

Born in 1970, astronautics, astronomy and ham radio enthusiast. Licensed in 2018, callsign IU2LXR, USA licence KM2IC. Member of team ARISS IK1SLD Telebridge & HamTV Ground Station, AMSAT Italy member #435, AMSAT Argentina member #2249. Math&science teacher, mother of three, animal lover.

Licenced Ham radio operator since 1987, first IW1BMJ and then IK1SLD, since 1990 operates in satellite communications, first with space station MIR and then with the ISS. Since 2010 manages with his team the ARISS Telebridge & HamTV Ground Station located in Casale Monferrato, Italy. AMSAT Italy vice president. Continuing the experience started on precedent issfanclub.com, will keep on manage ISS Achievement Award.

Radio and TV Broadcast Engineer based in Los Angeles, CA. I have had a lifelong interest in space exploration, and amateur radio since early childhood. My father was an amateur radio operator, which exposed me to the fun and excitement you could experience with this hobby. I pursued my amateur radio license in 1995. I enjoy electronics, designing new electronic and mechanical devices. Please come often to our International Space Station Fan Club website and enjoy along with a community of other ISS and Amateur Radio enthusiasts. This is a venue to learn about Space exploration, Amateur Radio, and to have fun while meeting new people.
73’s de KF6FES

Armand Budzianowski Ph.D. graduate the Adam Mickiewicz University in
Poznan. He deals with crystallography professionally. Privately husband
and father. He is passionate about radio communications, he is an active
HAM radio operator and listener (SWL) for over a quarter of a century.
Member of the Polish Amateur Radio Union (PZK). He was awarded the PZK
Honorary Badge for his active activity in the amateur radio field. For
many years he has been volunteering for ARISS (Amateur Radio on the
International Space Station). He is a mentor for the school contacts of
ARISS Europa, i.e. planned amateur radio communications between students
from schools and an astronaut staying in space connection aboard the
International Space Station (ISS). He is also a member of ARISS
technical team and operator of HAMTV ground station in Poland. For many
years, it has been promoting science and research, including miniSAT
projects (experiment of students in the near-space). In 2013, he became
the official ambassador of the miniSAT program of the Copernicus Project
Foundation. In 2011 he started to organize Polish-wide conferences about
ARISS, that are every year until there days. You are welcome to
participate in this event.

I am a radioamateur since 1998, callsign IW3HUF, with an interest in satellite connections. I like everything about space and astronomy. I am honored to be in this group.
Dario is the designer of the ISS Fan Club logo! Thank you IW3HUF
Michel is the ISS FC radioclub F4KLX manager. TNX!