Indonesian SSTV diploma
How to Claim Your InSpace Diploma
1. Everyone with the sstv image received from ISS during 24th to 31st Desember 2020 are eligible to
claim the award.
2. Image has to be original (No edit & no watermark)
3. Rename your image with this format “date_time utc_callsign/name” Ex : 24122020_0340_YC2VOC
4. Use JPEG format
5. Image has to be a minimum 50% decoded
6. Apply your award with your 2 best images received from different date, Image with the same date
are not accepted
7. Claim your award before January 1st 2021 23.59 UTC.
8. If you can’t use google form you can email us your image with
Email : Or Simply use this form to submit your image
Choose only one don’t submit your image to email dan also the form