An ARISS educational radio contact is planned with Walter Murray Collegiate Institute, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, and will be in telebridge via LU8YY.
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS and the scheduled astronaut is David St-Jacques KG5FYI.
Contact is go for: Mon 2019-05-06 17:35:50 UTC 40 deg; downlink signals from ISS will be audible above Argentina and nearby areas on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM; contact will be in English. RX only! Credit: AMSAT.
Proposed questions generated by the Walter Murray Collegiate Institute students:
1. How do relations between countries on Earth impact relationships between astronauts of different nationalities?
2. What did you bring with you to space?
3. What are your next goals after you return to Earth?
4. As technology develops and it becomes safer and more economically efficient to send unmanned flights to space, what argument would you give in favour of continued investment in manned space flight?
5. Combien de force ressentiez-vous lorsque vous quittez l’atmosphère et échappez l’attraction gravitationnelle de la Terre? Translation: How much force do you feel when you are leaving the atmosphere and escaping the gravitational pull of Earth?
6. What do you think is the most interesting experiment you are working on currently on the ISS and why is it important?
7. Why do you think space travel is important in an age where problems like climate change exist?
8. With climate change growing on Earth, do you think the rate of space debris will cause a problem in the future? If so, what could be done about it?
9. How can people not interested in actually going to space help support Canadian space programs? Is there anything random civilians, high school students, etc. can do to help explore the galaxy?
10. Should we be considering the legal and economic impact of colonizing Mars or is it too early to consider at this time?
11. What do you think is the future of space exploration? Do you have ideas of what it might look like?
12. In space, you have to be very careful with the resources you are offered. How can you apply this to being more eco-friendly on Earth?
13. What is the most memorable view you remember seeing when you were traveling to, or actually at, the ISS?
14. What’s something that you never realized until going into space?
15. Are the computers and parts of the ISS still from when it was sent into space or were they upgraded?
16. I know you have changed career paths a lot. What was the most valuable thing you learned while finding your passion as an astronaut?
17. What utensils are used to write in space? Can you use pens and pencils? If not, what do you use?
18. Do you think more resources should be spent on saving Earth or leaving it?
19. How has going into space and the experience of observing the universe from such a surreal perspective contributed to your opinion on the existence of life in other places?
20. Is medicine different in space? If so, how?