ARISS School Contact 22 November 2022, 17:40 UTC, multi-point telebridge via IK1SLD

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An educational radio contact is planned with St.Joseph´s Convent Secondary School, Castries, St Lucia, multi-point telebridge via IK1SLD ARISS Telebridge & HamTV Ground Station, located in Casale Monferrato (AL), Italy. A multi-point telebridge contact means that each student will be on the telebridge from their own home.

The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS and the scheduled crewmember is Josh Cassada KI5CRH. Contact is go for: Tuesday 22 November 2022, 17:40:36 UTC, 42 deg.; downlink signals from ISS will be audible above parts of Europe on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM ; the conversation will be in English. RX only! Credit: AMSAT.

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Proposed questions generated by the St. Joseph´s Convent Secondary School students:

1. What is the international space station?

2. How do you see meterological events from space and what is it like to be there?

3. If a hurricane is happening can you see it in space?

4. How long did you study to become an astronaut?

5. What do you do in space?

6. Do you study and measure climate change from space?

7. When a volcanic eruption happens, can you see the effects from space?

8. What are the impacts of space hurricanes and does it affect us here on earth?

9. How close does a meteorite have to pass to affect the Earth?

10. Do other planets have volcanoes?

11. What can I do to make sea levels stop rising?

12. What does the moon look like up close?

13. When does the Sahara sand cross the Atlantic ocean?

14. Can you see rainbows in space?

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