ARISS School Contact 14 June 2022, 10:08 UTC, direct via I3IRV

Credit: Samantha Cristoforetti, Tik Tok


An educational radio contact is planned with Istituto Tecnico Industriale “Alessandro Rossi”, Vicenza, Veneto, Italy, direct via I3IRV.

The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be IRØISS and the scheduled crewmember is Samantha Cristoforetti IZØUDF.

Contact is go for: Monday 14 June 2022, 10:08:55 UTC, 63 deg. Downlink signals from ISS will be audible above interested areas on 145.800 MHz FM. The conversation will be in italian. RX only! Credit: AMSAT.

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Proposed questions generated by the Istituto Tecnico Industrile “Alessandro Rossi” students:

1. Guardando dagli oblo’ capita di vedere satelliti artificiali?

2. Guardando dall’alto la vastita’ e la bellezza dello spazio, ti commuovi da essere umano o ti entusiasmi da scienziato?

3. Il vostro addestramento in astronautica vi tornera’ utile per la vita quotidiana?

4. Saresti disposta ad arrivare fino a Marte?

5. Secondo te e grazie ai tuoi studi, sara’ mai possibile vivere su un altro pianeta?

6. Era il tuo sogno fin da bambina diventare un’astronauta?

7. Sulla ISS Il giorno e la notte si alternano come sulla Terra?

8. Riesci a riassumere in tre parole le sensazioni che provi vedendo la Terra dallo spazio?

9. Quali effetti fisici e mentali si riscontrano una volta ritornati sulla Terra?

10. Che cosa pensi dei viaggi commerciali nello spazio?

11. Hai mai avuto dei momenti in cui ha pensato di lasciar perdere la vita da astronauta? Se si, come hai cambiato idea?

12. Durante le tue missioni, quali sono state l’esperienza più emozionante e quella piu’ deludente che hai vissuto?

13. Immagino che il percorso per arrivare dove sei sia stato molto lungo e ricco di ostacoli, come hai trovato la forza di superarli?

14. Da donna che tipo di difficolta’ ha dovuto gestire durante il tuo percorso professionale?

15. Dalla ISS potete comunicare con le vostre famiglie?

1. Looking from the portholes, do you happen to see artificial satellites?

2. Looking at the vastness and beauty of space from above, are you moved as a human being or do you get excited as a scientist?

3. Will your training in astronautics be useful for your daily life?

4. Would you be willing to go all the way to Mars?

5. In your opinion and thanks to your studies, will it ever be possible to live on another planet?

6. Was it your dream since childhood to become an astronaut?

7. On the ISS, do day and night alternate like on Earth?

8. Can you summarize in three words the sensations you feel seeing the Earth from space?

9. What physical and mental effects are experienced upon returning to Earth?

10. What do you think about commercial space travel?

11. Have you ever had moments when you thought about giving up your life as an astronaut? If so, how did you change your mind?

12. During your missions, which were the most exciting and the most disappointing experiences you have had?

13. I imagine that the path to get to where you’re has been very long and full of obstacles, how did you find the strength to overcome them?

14. As a woman, what kind of difficulties did you have to manage during your professional career?

15. Can you communicate with your families from the ISS?

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