An educational radio contact is planned with Carter G. Woodson Middle School, Hopewell, VA, telebridge via ARISS Telebridge Station K6DUE in Greenbelt, Maryland.
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS and the scheduled astronaut is Thomas Marshburn KE5HOC. Contact is go for: Monday 28 Feb 2022, 14:43:53 UTC, 36 deg; the talk will be in English, downlink signals from ISS will be audible above Maryland, USA, and nearby areas on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM, RX only! (Credit: AMSAT.)
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Proposed questions generated by the Carter G. Woodson Middle School students:
1. What made you want to live in space?
2. How do you not run out of food and where does it come from?
3. Have any animals ever been on board the ISS?
4. How do you return to Earth?
5. What meals do you eat in space?
6. What is your helmet made of and how does it work?
7. How many miles does the ISS travel in a day?
8. What do you do when you are not performing experiments or working on equipment?
9. When you return back to Earth, do you experience any side effects from being in space for 6 months?
10. What scientific discoveries have you made on board the ISS?
11. What have you learned while on board the ISS?
12. What is a goal you have during your mission?
13. What kind of weather do you experience on board?
14. How do you get water?
15. What equipment do you need for a spacewalk?
16. What does the moon look like from the ISS?
17. Do you have doctors on board to help when you get sick or injured?
18. How long does it take to get used to sleeping on a wall?
19. How did it feel traveling up to the ISS?
20. How do you train to live in a low gravity environment?