ISS FAN CLUB patch was there!

The ISS Fan Club patch in good hands at EAC 🙂


The European Astronaut Centre (EAC) was established in 1990 and is located near Cologne, Germany. Home to ESA’s astronaut corps, it is the European centre of excellence for astronaut selection, training, and support. The team at EAC equip European and international astronauts with the skills and knowledge they need to fly to the International Space Station (ISS) today while preparing for an exciting future of exploration beyond low Earth orbit.

Led by ESA astronaut Frank de Winne, EAC reinforces Europe’s commitment to human and robotic exploration. 

For astronauts and ground operations personnel, EAC is the training centre for all European-built ISS hardware, including ESA’s Columbus laboratory and European payloads.

It is also home to ESA’s combined team of specialist communicators (Eurocoms) and biomedical engineers (BMEs) who are responsible for all European voice communications with astronauts on the International Space Station. From the control centre at EAC, they work closely with operations teams at ESA’s Columbus Control Centre (Col-CC) in Oberpfaffenhofen, near Munich, Germany.

EAC has established its medical expertise for astronauts including preventive medicine, evidence-based medicine, nutrition and fitness. In addition, the Centre provides public relations assistance for human spaceflight and educational activities, as well as promoting opportunities to industry for commercial experiments.


TNX with all heart to the helping hands!




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