An educational radio contact is planned with College Raymond Sirot, Gueux, France, telebridge via VK5ZAI. The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS and the scheduled astronaut is Chris Cassidy KF5KDR. Contact is go for: Thursday 10 Sept 2020 08:17 UTC, 57 deg; downlink signals from ISS will be audible above parts of Australia on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM, RX only! (Credit: AMSAT.)
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Proposed questions generated by the College Raymond Sirot students:
1. Why did you choose this job?
2. How long did it take to get ready for this mission?
3. What were your feelings when you left the Earth?
4. What was the first thing you did when you got on board the ISS?
5. What are the main objectives of your mission?
6. What are the goals of the experiments made in the ISS?
7. How are you supplied during your mission?
8. How do you get enough water? Do you recycle it?
9. What do you do if an astronaut gets sick on the ISS?
10. How does it feel to witness 16 sunsets and sunrises in one day and therefore, how do you make the difference between night and day?
11. What is the most difficult task of daily life to achieve in weightlessness?
12. Is it difficult to wash yourself? To go to the toilet?
13. What do you do when you have some free time?
14. What is the most difficult thing you have to deal with in the ISS? Being far from your family? Fearing a technical problem? Living close to each other?
15. Do you think that humankind will be able to colonize other planets one day?
16. Since your very first mission, have you noticed any changes on the Earth?
17. What is your best memory in space?
18. What is your worst memory in space?
19. Have you ever been afraid for your life during a space mission?
20. Have you ever observed strange phenomena from the ISS?
1. Pourquoi avez-vous choisi ce metier? 2. Combien de temps avez-vous mis pour vous preparer a cette mission? 3. Quelles ont ete vos sensations quand vous avez quitte la Terre? 4. Quelle est la premiere chose que vous avez faite a bord de l’ISS? 5. Quels sont les principaux objectifs de votre mission? 6. A quoi servent les experiences qui sont faites dans l’ISS? 7. Comment etes-vous ravitailles pendant votre mission? 8. Comment faites-vous pour avoir suffisamment d eau? La recyclez-vous? 9. Comment faites-vous si un astronaute tombe malade dans l ISS? 10. Quelle impression cela fait d’assister a 16 couchers et levers de soleil en un jour, comment faites-vous pour differencier le jour de la nuit? 11. Quelle est la tache de la vie quotidienne la plus difficile a realiser en apesanteur? 12. Est-ce complique pour vous laver? Pour aller aux toilettes? 13. Que faites-vous de votre temps libre? 14. Qu est-ce qui est le plus difficile a supporter dans l ISS? L eloignement de sa famille ? La peur d un probleme technique? La promiscuite? 15. Pensez-vous que l Homme pourra coloniser d autres planetes un jour? 16. Depuis votre toute premiere mission, avez-vous constate des changements sur Terre? 17. Quel est votre meilleur souvenir dans l’espace? 18. Quel est votre pire souvenir dans l’espace? 19. Avez-vous deja eu peur pour votre vie lors d’une mission spatiale? 20. Avez-vous deja observe des phenomenes etranges depuis l ISS?