About Gagarin From Space: an educational radio contact is planned with students of the South-Western State University of Kursk at a youth conference at the UTE University, Quito, Ecuador, and will be direct via RV3DR/HC.
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be RSØISS and the scheduled astronaut is Oleg Skripochka. Contact is go for: Fri 07 Feb 2020, 13:59 UTC. Downlink signals from ISS will be audible above interested areas on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM; contact will be in Russian. RX only! Credit: AMSAT.
Proposed questions generated by the students of the South-Western State University of Kursk:
1. Чему научило вас освоение космоса?
2. Как освоение космоса приносит пользу человечеству?
3. Насколько мы близки к тому, чтобы жить вне Земли?
1. What did space exploration teach you?
2. How does space exploration benefit humanity?
3. How close are we to living outside the earth?