During preparation to the talk with an astronaut in space, schools are doing their educational program in classes. It is because students have to prepare for the event. They have to enrich their knowledge in radio communication, about space and the ISS (live, science, food, etc.) in STEAM (Science, Technology, Enginering, Art, and Mathemathics). It is necessary to prepare questions to an astronaut and have the background to talk with mass-media, after the event. Students can be involve to the technical preparations as well.
Today it is my pleasure to remind you that a few days ago started ESA Mission X: train like an astronaut. It is an international educational challenge, focusing on health, science, fitness, and nutrition, which encourages pupils to train as an astronaut. I cordially invite you to see the movie, with ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano who is this year the “Ambassador of Train like an astronaut”. He sends a special kick-off message to the participants on Mission X 2020 as it launches into its 10th year.
This year 2020 is X mission of the ESA educational program Train like as astronaut.
Target age: 8-12, but activities can be adapted for all ages! Timeline: January 2020 – May 2020
Here you are to the web page of Mission X 2020 in many languages.
Maybe some of the educational material on this page will be an inspiration in your educational program to the ARISS contact?
I think the Missing X can improve preparation to the ARISS contact. As the result it can develop quality of questions to the astronaut and give a lot of fun and emotions for students and other involved people.
73, Armand SP3QFE,
Mentor ARISS