F4KLX – ISS Fan Club Association RADIOCLUB

24 June 2020 – Last update 30 November 2023

The ISS Fan Club Association has now her own RADIOCLUB, whose callsign is F4KLX!

We thank the radioclub host Michel Nawrocki F1AFW, ARISS France managing also our QRZ.

Members can use F4KLX callsign, previous accord with the ISS FC board, for SAT/APRS operations: write us!

ISS Fan Club strongly tnx Slawek SQ3OOK, the ARISS SSTV Award Manager, for our beuatiful QSL that he designed for our club!



May 2023 – our member IZ5ILX activated F4KLX on Oscar Q-O100,  NARROW (SSB) and WIDE (DATV) part. Missed equipment? Listen via IS0GRB WEB-SDR!