To become a member or renew your membership, please use PAYPAL, following one of links you find in SHOP section.
You can also send a wire-paiement, please contact us to get International IBAN to do so.
Become a member permits you to have a membercard to attest your a part of the association. With 2025, we’ll send membership cards via email, only goodies to Gold members will be sent via postal service. Fees and donations are used first to pay webservers and second, support actions in schools, where members propose activities with children, hamradio and the ISS; when possible, supporting ARISS with donations. As a member, you can activate the ISS Fan Club radioclub callsign F4KLX, QSL via EQSL or Bureau Via HB9ERA.
Options for membership are:
Normal membership– choose this fee to become or renew your membership to ISS FAN CLUB as a normal member;
Reduced membership fee is according to young people (under 18), students, disabled, unemployed and retired people (over 65);
Gold membership – choose this fee to become or renew your membership to ISS FAN CLUB as a gold member. Like the last year, you will receive a new surprise.
Family membership – wife and husband, couples cohabitants joining together: two personal cards, 45 Gold, 15 Normal. To include children, contact us.
Normal and gold for societies, enterprises, official offices – choose this fee to become or renew your membership as a society, enterprise, official office to ISS FAN CLUB as a normal member.
Donations – very welcome as well