ARISS School Contact 28 March 2025 9:56 UTC, direct via 8N7Y5JH


An educational radio contact is planned with Yonezawa 5th Junior High School, Yonezawa, Japan, direct via 8N7Y5JH.

The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS and the scheduled crewmember is Don Pettit KD5MDT, the ARISS mentor is 7M3TJZ.

Contact is go for: Friday 28 March 2025, 09:56:00 UTC, 30 deg . Downlink signals from ISS will be audible above areas within the ISS footprint on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM, please remember: RX only! (Credit: AMSAT.)


Proposed questions generated by the Yonezawa 5th Junior High School students:

1. When painting a picture of the space, I often use black or navy blue, but what color does it actually appear?

2. Is the view from the space station different in the morning, afternoon, and night?

3. What is the most fun thing about living on the space station?

4. What do you do during your free time?

5. Do you get motion sickness in space and what remedies do you have when you get sick in space?

6. Has your way of thinking and living changed since becoming an astronaut?

7. Is there an expiration date for space food? How long does it last?

8. I hear that bones and muscles weaken in space stations, but what measures are being taken?

9. What happens to tears if you cry in a space station?

10. What is the toilet like on the space station? And how is the waste managed?

11. What kind of study and training did you do to become an astronaut?

12. Why doesn’t the space station collide with other satellites?

13. Have you ever felt scared in space?  When was that?

14. What was the most beautiful sight you saw from the space station?

15. Can you see how a season changes on the Earth from space? For example, can you see snow?

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