An educational radio contact is planned with Public Primary School, La Laupie, France, direct via F5KLF. The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS and the scheduled crewmember is Don Pettit KD5MDT, the ARISS mentor is F6ICS.
Contact is go for: Friday 7 February 2025, 14:27:07 UTC, 72 deg. Downlink signals from ISS will be audible above areas within the ISS footprint on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM, remember: RX only! (Credit: AMSAT.)
Proposed questions generated by the Public Primary School students:
1. Do you work during the day and sleep at night?
2. What do you do when you are sick?
3. Do you have desks in the ISS?
4. How do you get supplies on the ISS?
5. How do you wash your laundry?
6. Is your spacesuit heavy?
7. What do you eat in the ISS?
8. Do you often go outside of the ISS?
9. Are the other astronauts considered your friends?
10. What is the temperature on the ISS?
11. How does it feel to live without gravity?
12. What sensations do you feel when you could walk again on earth?
13. On what are you working at the moment? What kind of research?
14. What kind of sensations do you feel when you lift-off? When you land?
15. Do you have electricity on the ISS?
16. Do you have a cuddly toy or blanket to sleep with?
17. Do you have any hobbies? Games, books, television or music?
18. Does the food taste good on the ISS?
19. Is it difficult to sleep in space?
1. Est ce que vous travaillez le jour et vous dormez la nuit? 2. Comment faites vous quand vous etes malades? 3. Est ce que vous avez des bureaux dans l’ISS? 4. Comment l’ISS est-elle ravitaillee? 5. Comment faites vous pour laver votre linge? 6. Est ce que votre combinaison spatiale est lourde? 7. Que mangez vous dans l’ISS? 8. Est ce que vous sortez souvent de l’ISS? 9. Est ce que les astronautes qui sont avec vous sont des amis? 10. Quelle temperature fait -il dans l’ISS? 11. Vivre sans gravite c’est comment? 12. Quelle sensation cela fait de remarcher sur terre? 13. Sur quoi travaillez vous en ce moment? Quelles recherches? 14. Quelles sensation ressentez vous pendant le decollage / l’atterrissage? 15. Avez vous l’electricite dans l’ISS? 16. Est ce que vous avez un doudou pour dormir? 17. Est ce que vous avez des loisirs? Jeu, livres, television, musiques?? 18. La nourriture est elle bonne dans ISS?