An educational radio contact is planned with Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa im. Walentego Stefańskiego w Bodzechowie, Bodzechów, Poland, direct via SP7POS.
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS and the scheduled crewmember is Don Pettit KD5MDT; the ARISS mentor is SP3QFE.
Contact is go for: Friday 6 Dec 2024, 11:49:23 UTC, 77 deg . Downlink signals from ISS will be audible above areas within the ISS footprint on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM, RX only! (Credit: AMSAT.)
Proposed questions generated by the Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa im. Walentego Stefańskiego w Bodzechowie, Bodzechów students:
1. Do you think time passes faster or slower in space?
2. How much electricity does the ISS use each day?
3. Is the spacesuit comfortable?
4. What do you eat in space?
5. Which planet do you think is the most beautiful, apart from the Earth?
6. What do Saturn’s rings look like up close?
7. What is life like for NASA astronauts who are staying on the ISS longer than planned?
8. Do you miss your family and friends?
9. Have you always wanted to be an astronaut?
10. What do astronauts do on the ISS?
11. What was your favourite subject in primary school?
12. Do you think humans will one day be able to land on Mars?
13. If you get sick in space, how do you deal with illness?
14. What is your favourite way to spend your free time on the ISS?
15. What is the most challenging part of being an astronaut?
16. What do you think about when you look at the Earth?