An educational radio contact is planned with South Carolina RWAs (Regional Workforce Advisors), Columbia, SC, direct via N4EE.
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS and the scheduled crewmember is Nick Hague KG5TMV; the ARISS mentor is K4CF .
Contact is go for: Monday 2 Dec 2024, 16:22:26 UTC, 42 deg.; downlink signals from ISS Downlink signals from ISS will be audible above areas within the ISS footprint on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM, RX only! (Credit: AMSAT.)
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Proposed questions generated by the South Carolina RWAs students:
1. I have read where you are doing experiments to help Alzheimer’s, how is that working?
2. How do you creatively solve problems when traditional tools or resources on Earth aren’t available on the ISS?
3. What advice do you have for aspiring astronauts?
4. How would you describe your daily life now compared to your life when you were on earth?
5. What are necessities people normally think you wouldn’t need on a spacecraft but actually need?
6. What experiments have you done in space so far that have had a different result on Earth?
7. What unique skills or knowledge did you gain from your training that surprised you the most?
8. What is your scariest experience you had being in space so far, and how did you handle that situation?
9. What drove you to become an astronaut and explore the wonders of space?
10. What is the most enjoyable part of researching and experimenting in microgravity, exposure to space, and our unique orbit?
11. What project are you currently working on in space?
12. Is there a place on board the space station where the astronauts go to protect themselves from Radiation or Space Debris?
13. What new things have you discovered?
14. Have you ever had to make a scientific breakthrough or discovery based on an accidental observation in microgravity?
15. Can you describe the procedure of when there is an emergency on board the space station?
16. What is the best part of a spacewalk?
17. Are there any moments when zero-gravity works in your favor?
18. How does the constant view of Earth from space change your perception of distance, time, or even human culture?
19. If you could research more about space, would you and what would you research about?
20. What is the maximum amount of time you can stay up in space?44