AMSAT Argentina ISS SSTV Diploma

The upcoming ARISS SSTV Experiment is suitable for the ISS SSTV Diploma from Amsat Argentina:  a super-exciting challenge! #316  ISS SSTV diplomas sent all over the world, will yours be next one?

In short:
– Rules available in 8 languages:
– Tutorials in 2 languages:
In detail:
1. Task to be carried out:
To obtain this Diploma, radio amateurs or authorized entities, Argentine or foreign or short wave listeners (SWL), must receive, record and upload at least 15 images obtained thru SSTV reception of images as transmitted from the International Space Station (ISS), in at least two different radio operations, spanning a month or more between them, Diploma begins March 1st, 2019. Earlier images don’t apply. WEBSDR or SATNOGS received images don’t apply.
2. Requirements for the images:
Use RX-SSTV (suggested configuration) and make sure it includes date, time (UTC), video mode, and your callsign, as native part of the image, as explained in helps and hints. Images must be of good quality and different, at least 50% noise-free. Images should be in their original form and resolution as captured and stored in JPG format (compressión 85%) any subsequent manipulations will not be accepted. They must be uploaded to the directory no more than 2 hours after they have been received.
3. How to apply:
The interested party will be able to easily look up his/her (previously uploaded) images, submiting them for analysis, using own callsign or if SWL, last name in place of callsign.
4. Publication and electronic submission:
Once the requirements have been met and verified, AMSAT Argentina will issue the Diploma and email in electronic form, so interested party can download online and print, list of issued certificates with electronic correlative number will also be published.
5. Validity:
It is only valid to receive and capture images received directly by radio, without the intervention of other media or remote links. These bases may expire or undergo modifications over time. Therefore it is suggested to visit the websites and verify the date.
You may check ARISS SSTV Announces, also ISS schedules for your location and (in spanish) on web site of QRM Belgrano Radio Club at Actividades Programadas support information, programs, audio test files, etc.
More Certificates:
Local promotion of the event is available in spanish with diploma rules, data, tutorials and recommendations, software and satellite pass in:


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