ARISS School Contact 19 September 2024, 16:19 UTC, direct via SP9MOA

An educational radio contact is planned with Kordylewski Youth Astronomical Observatory in Niepołomice, Niepołomice, Poland, direct via SP9MOA.

The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS and the scheduled crewmember is Matthew Dominick KCØTOR; the ARISS mentor is SP3QFE.

Contact is go for: Thursday 19 September 2024, 16:19:06 UTC,  54 deg.; downlink signals from ISS  will be audible over Brasil and nearby areas within the ISS footprint on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM; contact will be in English.  RX only! (Credit: AMSAT.)

Program and livestream:

PART I begins at 13:00 UTC.

13:00 UTC- Kick-off meeting + lectures + awarding of prizes and diplomas
to participants.
14:30 – Technical break

PART II starts at 16:00 UTC.

16:00 UTC – ARISS contact from SP9MOA with International Space Station
16:45 – Technical break

PART III begins at 17:00 UTC.

17:00 UTC – Press conference

Proposed questions generated by the Kordylewski Youth Astronomical Observatory in Niepołomice students:

1. What was your first thought when you saw the Earth from the ISS?

2. What was your first day on the ISS like?

3. Where would you like to visit after your return to Earth?

4. Has your stay on the ISS changed your perspective on life and our planet?

5. Is there anything that surprised you during the mission?

6. What’s your favorite place on the station?

7. Can you describe how life in a microgravity environment has changed you?

8. How long do astronauts sleep and what do they dream about in space?

9. What are the most challenging aspects of life on the ISS for you?

10. What plants are being researched for growth in space, and do you eat them?

11. Is the Earth flat or spherical?

12. Which of the experiments aboard the ISS are you most eager to participate in?

13. What about weightlessness surprised you the most?

14. What do you miss most from Earth?

15. What are the essential skills and character traits needed to become an astronaut and work on the ISS?

16. What tests did you have to pass to become an astronaut?

17. What has been your most memorable experience aboard the ISS so far?

18. Have you formed any friendships on board the ISS?

19. How does the large number of sunrises and sunsets affect the functioning of the biological clock of astronauts? How do you know when you should relax?

20. What time zone is used on the ISS?

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