An educational radio contact is planned with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL, direct via NN4ER.
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS and the scheduled crewmember is Matthew Dominick KCØTOR, the ARISS mentor is AJ9N. Contact is go for: Wed 3 April 2024, 15:22:17 UTC, 34 deg. Downlink signals from ISS will be audible over areas within the ISS footprint on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM; contact will be in English. RX only! (Credit: AMSAT.)
Proposed questions generated by the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University students:
1. How do you clean the International Space Station when someone or something makes a mess?
2. What do astronauts study while in space for long periods of time?
3. What is your degree(s) in and how to they correlate to your research?
4. How do you deal with disagreements on board?
5. What would you have to do if the ISS lost all communication connection with Earth?
6. How has your experience living on the ISS shaped your perspective on the importance of international cooperation in space exploration?
7. What inspired you to be an astronaut?
8. Do you do art in space and what kind of projects?
9. What is the most beautiful thing you have seen on Earth?
10. What are the most significant challenges you face in maintaining physical and mental health during long duration space trips?
11. Did any certain person, teacher or event help inspire you to become an astronaut?
12. Is the view of the starry sky from space different from that on earth, and how?
13. What are some of the most unexpected things you’ve seen or heard in space?
14. What is most fun experiment you have done on board the ISS?
15. What do you guys do in case of a solar storm?
16. What is one thing that is more fun to do on the ISS than on Earth?
17. What might you have done with your life if you never became an astronaut?