An educational radio contact is planned with Bilingual Montessori School of Lund (Stiftelsen BMSL), Lund, Sweden, telebridge via VK4KHZ.
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS and the scheduled crewmember is Marcus Wandt KJ5COO, the ARISS mentor is ON6TI. Contact is go for: Wed 2024-01-31 12:48:03 UTC 54 deg. Downlink signals from ISS will be audible above areas within the ISS footprint on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM, RX only! (Credit: AMSAT.)
Proposed questions generated by the Bilingual Montessori School of Lund (Stiftelsen BMSL) students: (Questions with an * will be asked in English)
1. Hur ser en vanlig dag ut på ISS?
2. Hur äter du i rymden och smakar maten annorlunda?
3*. What kind of research are you conducting?
4*. Which of your experiments can improve our lives on earth ?
5. Hur känns det att vara tyngdlös, kan det jämföras med någon annan känsla?
6. Hur ser månen ut från ISS?
7*. Would you like to be the first human landing on Mars ?
8. Hur bajsar man i rymden?
9. Hur duschar du Marcus, vattnet borde ju flyga åt alla håll?
10. Hur påverkas din kropp av att vara i rymden?
11*. How do you manage conflicts between crew members?
12. Tror du att dina värderingar kommer att förändras nu när du har varit i rymden?
13. Vad kände du under raketlyftet?
14*. Can you use your Smartphone with the Startlink satellites to contact your family from the ISS?
15. Hur förberedde du dig för tyngdlösheten?
16. Hur kan elden stanna på raketen i rymden?
17. Hur ser cockpiten på Dragon. modulen ut?
18. Hur vet man att man inte åker vilse i rymden?
19. Does life in space have effects on your body and your mood?
20. Hur ser utbildningen ut för att bli astronaut?
Translation (Swedish to English): 1. What does a typical day look like on the ISS? 2. How do you eat in space, and does the food taste different? 3*. What kind of research are you conducting? 4*. Which of your experiments can improve our lives on earth ? 5. How does it feel to be weightless, can it be compared to any other sensation? 6. What does the moon look like from the ISS ? 7*. Would you like to be the first human landing on Mars ? 8. How do you poop in space? 9. How do you shower, Marcus? The water should be flying in all directions, right? 10. How does being in space affect your body? 11*. How do you manage conflicts between crew members? 12. Do you think your values will change now that you have been in space? 13. What did you feel during the rocket liftoff? 14*. Can you use your Smartphone with the Startlink satellites to contact your family from the ISS? 15. How did you prepare for weightlessness? 16. How can the fire stay on the rocket in space? 17. How does the cockpit of the Dragon module look like ? 18. How do you know you won’t get lost in space? 19. Does life in space have effects on your body and your mood? 20. What does the education look like to become an astronaut? Translation (English to Swedish for questions that will be asked in English): 3*. Vilken typ av forskning bedriver du? 4*. Vilka av dina experiment kan förbättra vårt liv på jorden? 7*. Skulle du vilja vara den första människan som landar på Mars? 11*. Hur hanterar du konflikter mellan besättningsmedlemmar? 14*. Kan du använda din smartphone med Startlink-satelliterna för att kontakta din familj från ISS?