An educational radio contact is planned with The School of Information Technology & Mathematical Sciences, Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program 2021, Mawson Lakes, SA, Australia, telebridge via IK1SLD ARISS Telebridge Ground Station, located in Casale Monferrato (AL), Italy.
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS and the scheduled astronaut is Shannon Walker KD5DXB.
Contact is go for: Wednesday 6 April 2021, 11:27:49 UTC 34 deg; downlink signals will be audible over parts of Europe on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM; contact will be in english. Check for latest information on the operation mode . RX only! (Credit: AMSAT.)
Proposed questions generated by The School of Information Technology & Mathematical Sciences students:
1. What do you do to entertain yourself in such a small space for a long time with so few people?
2. Do you have travel sickness or feel suffocated while you are in there?
3. How do you protect against radiation on the ISS?
4. Have you seen any suspicious activity (like extraterrestrial creatures)?
5. Are there any health risks when you are in outer space?
6. How long do you think that it would take to discover another universe?
7. Does space debris affect the ISS?
8. When Is space radiation more harmful to astronauts?
9. Is the possibility of a fire on the ISS more terrifying when you are on the ISS or when you are training and preparing to be on the ISS.
10. How long can the present International Space Station (ISS) be used for?
11. What are the benefits of exercising in space?
12. What is your workout routine?
13. How does it smell in there?
14. What does it feels like in microgravity, especially when brushing teeth or hair or even having a shower?
15. What inspired you to be an Astronaut?
16. Can you tell us some more information about the ISS?
17. Does warp speed exist?
18. What simple tasks on Earth requires the most work in space – and what, other than floating, can be done easily in space but is difficult on Earth.
19. While in the ISS if someone gets sick, will normal earth medicine work in micro gravity?
20. Have you done any Covid-19 related research on ISS?
21. Can we see the far side of the Moon from ISS? Or will we be able to see it from the new planned station orbiting near the moon?
22. How do you get rid of the smell in the space station?
23. How serious is the problem of space debris and what is being done about it?