An educational radio contact is planned with Oakwood School, Morgan Hill, CA, Multi-point Telebridge via IK1SLD.
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS and the scheduled astronaut is Shannon Walker KD5DXB. Contact is go for: Monday 22 March 2021, 18:27:49 UTC, 66 deg; downlink signals from ISS will be audible above parts of Europe on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM; the latest information on the operation mode can be found here. The conversation will be in English. RX only! Credit: AMSAT.
Watch for livestream!
Proposed questions generated by the Oakwood School students:
1. What is your favorite place on the ISS?
2. Are you currently conducting any experiments yourself?
3. What was your favorite part of Astronaut training?
4. What advice do you have for a 6-year-old that wants to be an astronaut?
5. What is the hardest thing you have had to do in space?
6. Is the coronavirus on the ISS and do you need to wear masks?
7. Do you and your crewmates play games in space?
8. Can you still do your favorite Earth hobbies on the ISS?
9. Are your astronaut outfits customizable (like can you make them different colors)?
10. What happens if there is a medical emergency on the ISS?
11. Who was your role model growing up and how have they helped you succeed in becoming an astronaut?
12. How do you communicate with all the astronauts that come from different countries?
13. Who is your favorite Avenger/superhero and why?
14. What is the object you miss the most that is on planet Earth?
15. What was the hardest part of the training, and did you think you were going to pass?
16. Do the constellations from the space station look different from how they do on Earth?
17. We’ve noticed you use a lot of towels– what if you run out of towels?
18. Although zero-gravity sounds fun at first, does it get “old” after a while?
19. If you were given the chance, would you like to be the first person to mars?
20. How do you stay connected with your family on Earth while in space and how long do you get to talk or see them?