(Pictures: SCARS newsletter)
An educational radio contact is planned with Tecumseh High School Electronics and Amateur Radio, Tecumseh, OK, direct via K5THS.
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS and the scheduled astronaut is Shannon Walker KD5DXB.
Contact is go for: Friday 4 Dec 2020, 18:33:30 UTC, 78 deg; downlink signals from ISS will be audible above parts of USA on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM. The conversation will be in English. RX only! Credit: AMSAT.
Watch for livestream
Proposed questions generated by the Tecumseh High School Electronics and Amateur Radio students:
1. If you could go back to high school, what is one thing you would make sure you paid more attention to?
2. What was the scariest part when traveling through the atmosphere?
3. Are you longing for the day you’ll return to earth or already putting on your brakes so that you can stay on the ISS longer?
4. What is one skill that every astronaut should have before entering the astronaut program?
5. Have you seen any changes in your circadian rhythms, or those of any plants or animals on board the ISS?
6. How does NASA train you to deal with zero gravity?
7. How do you get dressed without your clothes floating away?
8. How does NASA prepare you for walking on earth after months of being in space?
9. Is there a sight in space that was breathtaking the first time you saw it, and what was it?
10. If there is a small space particle that penetrates the ISS, how is that handled?
11. What are some of your favorite experiments in which you are involved?
12. How much training do you need before going into space?
13. What happens if you become sick on an EVA or inside the ISS?
14. What is the most challenging plant to try to grow in space?
15. Does time change in space?
16. How do you sleep in space?
17. How do you maintain body heat in and out of the ISS?
18. If someone is injured on the ISS, how do you respond?
19. If a free-floating one-ounce drop of water were to freeze in the ISS, would it be rough or smooth in shape?
20. What are some of the personal items you brought with you to the ISS?