Dear ISS FC members all over the world, dear HAM and SWL community,
ISS Fan Club is partner of the diploma action: “20 years of active amateur radiocommunication service on the International Space Station” .
The HAM radio action is organized to commemorate and promote the most important issues and events related to the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the launch of HAM radio equipment at the International Space Station (ISS).
The diploma action lasts from November 13 to December 21, 2020, on all bands and emissions under the local regulations. Sat way is encouraged, but also local repeaters are included in this activity, to be as much inclusive as possible! So everywhere you are and in any simple condition you can partecipate, this radio party is for all!
So, our station F4KLX can be activated by any of our members. in all the world!
DL/F4KLX I/F4KLX EA/F4KLX and F4KLX yet activated ! who else ?
Just write f4klx@issfanclub.eu to tell us the schedule of your activity and, then, send the QSO’s logs in ADIF at the same address. You’ll be spotted in the official window.
Live chat box can be used in addition to display and report F4KLX status. The tool, to avoid spam, is visible only for logged in members.
Let’s spread RF everywhere! 73&88, Mic IU2LXR