The SFA Program has partnered with the ISS Program to celebrate 20 years of continuous human presence on the ISS.
Since November 2, 2000, thousands of employees across the extended NASA community have worked tirelessly to maintain the unbroken streak of humans safely living and working off the planet – a timespan that is only achievable through a shared focus on crew safety, teamwork, and mission success. From program employees, to mission support organizations, to the custodial staff – many have contributed to this monumental achievement.
In the coming months, SFA will digitally release a Peanuts® poster series themed around the ISS. The first June poster is focused on “Crew Safety.” The posters can be found on the SFA website. Feel free to download for personal use! Crew poster also avaliable on the SFA website, avaliable in hi res/lo res.
Credits: JSC External Relations; tnx Oliver DG6BCE for the hint!