An educational radio contact is planned withAirdrie Space Science Club, Airdrie, AB, Canada, multi-point telebridge via ZS6JON. A multi-point telebridge contact means that each student will be on the telebridge from their own home.
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS and the scheduled astronaut is Chris Cassidy KF5KDR. Contact is go for: Friday 15 May 2020, 15:10:28 UTC, 55 deg; downlink signals from ISS will be audible above parts of South Africa and nearby Botswana on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM, RX only! (Credit: AMSAT.)
Proposed questions generated by the Airdrie Space Science Club students:
1. How has seeing Earth from its orbit affected you, in your frame of reference when moving around the ISS, or in your perspective of humanity as a whole?
2. What happens if you vomit in the space station? How do you clean it up?
3. How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected you while you are in space?
. What will be your first meal when you get back to Earth?
5. What does it feel like when the rocket lifts off?
6. What does the space station smell like?
7. Was training to be astronaut harder or easier than training to be a navy seal?
8. What experiment that you’ve done had the most unexpected results? What was the expected and actual outcome of said experiment?
9. How successful is your 3-D printer on the station?
10. We are a model rocket building club. Did you ever build model rockets when you were young?
11. What does microgravity feel like on your body?
12. Does the Earth look any clearer or less polluted now compared to when you flew in 2009 and with Canadian Chris Hadfield in 2013?
13. Do you play any games while you are on the ISS?
14. What kind of music do you listen to?