Want to Participate?
NASA’s Human Research Program is seeking healthy participants for a spaceflight simulation study.
Ever dreamed of what it would be like to be on a long duration spaceflight?
NASA needs volunteers to assist in learning about the physiological and psychological effects of isolation and confinement on humans to help prepare for missions to the Moon and on to Mars. The Human Research Program partners with the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ ground experimental facility, or NEK, to conduct a series of analog missions as part of the SIRIUS, or Scientific International Research In Unique terrestrial Station in Moscow, Russia.
If you are:
- 30-55 years old
- a professional with science, technology, engineering or math experience,
- Willing to be confined and isolated for 8-months, and
- Proficient in the Russian and English languages.
…… Then you may be eligible to participate
For more information about participating, call 281-212-1492 email us at jsc-sirius@mail.nasa.gov